Welcome to the Cryobank Friends Blogspot

This is a blogspot dedicated to same sex couples seeking to grow their families through insemination. This space is for us to chat, provide information and learn by sharing experiences. Please send me your email and once you're added as a friend you can create your own posts! Just send me an email - srhodes803@gmail.com!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Love Buying the Baby Stuff!

It's insane... we're not pregnant but we LOVE buying baby stuff. Mostly we really enjoy looking through the sale items at Target, shopping online at Amazon or browsing Babies R Us.  The closet is filling up but it's so nice to go in there every now and then and remind ourselves that one day... one day we will have a child. Anyone else have a baby stuff purchasing addiction?


Meredith said...

We end up purchashing little toys, but so far have resisted any big purchases. We did however have great fun in Target yesterday perusing the baby aisles.

Anne said...

Just the opposite -- I am a little superstitious about buying anything! I did buy two posters at a frame store that was closing, though, because I couldn't resist those!

Anonymous said...

Oh god, we waited as long as we could, but after trying for a year, I've been cross-stitching little funky onesies and buying overalls and anything adorable that seems like "it's on sale, I HAVE to get it now"...still resisting painting the room, but it's about half ready, too. My partner is hand making our oak crib, so ya, I guess we're in deep. IT's TIME!!!