Welcome to the Cryobank Friends Blogspot

This is a blogspot dedicated to same sex couples seeking to grow their families through insemination. This space is for us to chat, provide information and learn by sharing experiences. Please send me your email and once you're added as a friend you can create your own posts! Just send me an email - srhodes803@gmail.com!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Share your Two Week Wait Symptoms

When I experienced my first pregnancy I had some interesting two week wait symptoms after the  insemination... Mostly some insane heartburn, twinges in my stomach, lower back pain, interesting pains in top of my legs, nausea at 5DPO, bloating and between 3-5 DPO some brown spotting.  At 6 DPO I unfortunately got very upset with my girlfriend who did nothing wrong - so crazy hormones where kicking in! I charted BBT and of course it stayed elevated from 10 DPO onward.  About 14 DPO I definitely started to notice changes in breast tenderness! Please click comment and add your TWW symptoms! 


AKMama said...

A week after the IUI I started having extremely vivid and wierd dreams. I was dreaming of people and places I hadn't seen in 10 years or crazy, very action packed dreams. I would wake up tired from so much going on in my dreams. This was nothing like I normally dreamt. The wierd dreams continued my entire first trimester and stopped almost as quickly as they started. My other interesting symptom was I started gagging (on the verg of throwing up) everytime I brushed my teeth. This lovely side effect continued my entire pregnancy!

Pero-Luter said...

My partner noticed tender breasts that lasted for more than 24 hours. With her period, she gets breast tenderness then it subsides after 24 hours. Other than that no symptoms.

Question.. Did you also have your betas done early on? If so what were your numbers?

Shannon and Vickie said...

My timeline & Numbers -
Thursday - Nov. 20 - IUI
Sunday - Nov. 30 - Positive HPT
Monday - Dec. 1 - HCG 28 & Progesterone 37
Wednesday - Dec. 3 - HCG 55

Kimi723 said...

With my "chemical pregnancy", I only experienced VERY sore boobs which didn't kick in until about 17DPIUI which is also when I got my first +HPT. On 18DPIUI, my HCG = 149. Unfortunately, it was all downhill after that.

But I'm back in my TWW now! Nothing to report yet, my IUI was just 9 hours ago... but I'm waiting for symptoms kick in! Come on baby!!