Welcome to the Cryobank Friends Blogspot
This is a blogspot dedicated to same sex couples seeking to grow their families through insemination. This space is for us to chat, provide information and learn by sharing experiences. Please send me your email and once you're added as a friend you can create your own posts! Just send me an email - srhodes803@gmail.com!
Anyone had any crazy reactions from your parents, family or friends?
Did you know that if you click on the donors of the month club on the home screen of the Cryobank it takes you to the current featured donors BUT if you click on previous months it takes to you to a list of all months of the year.... and you can click each month to search the donor photos - if you're lucky, yours may be there, to view before you buy it! Not sure if this feature goes away at the end of the year though?
What are your thoughts on using an open donor vs. anonymous donor? Or vice versa? Has anyone signed up for sibling registry? The one at the cryobank is still under construction but I read there is a national registry that costs to join. Anyone familiar with it?
just curious to know what donor everyone went with...or what donor you are looking to use?
my partner and i are looking to use 11059 or 11022
If you're interested, please comment on this post and provide your cryobank user id and you and your partners name so I can add to the lists below. Also, please send your pictures to srhodes803@gmail.com with your current status and I'll update on the right as well!
AND it said Pregnant! We tested 4 days early, I just could feel it so we gave in... Used Clear Blue Easy Digital test... it showed the hourglass while we waited.. Vickie was so nervous so we decided to walk away - just walking aimlessly in the house, not really sure where we were going - when we got back to the bathroom door she wouldn't go in... :) She peaked around the corner and said I don't think it's blinking anymore...
As we inched our way into the bathroom and as we stood over it, sure enought it said Pregnant.. we both started to cry then she insisted I sit down, drink some juice and rest.. LOL.. I wasn't allowed to lift anything the rest of the day.
We're excited but plan to take it easy and pretty much eliminate caffeine! I get a bit nervous when I read the statistics about miscarriages, and knowing that some friends in our chat have experienced that first hand!
I went in this morning for the first blood test today, will go back on Wednesday with results on Thursday! Baby Dust to everyone and we pray it stays intact! Thansk for all your wonderful positive thoughts!